A downloadable game for Windows

Fraction is a turn based roguelike RPG with a lot of focus on a limited inventory. Part of the strategy is to choose what to keep and what to use and throw away. Game is meant to be a challenge.


  • Turn based combat
  • Exploration
  • Random maps and items
  • Weapon modding
  • Base repair to unlock new possibilities
  • Stash that is kept between deaths
  • Crafting
  • Upgrades for player character
  • Choose a tech path
  • NPCs
  • Random encounters

Game is in active development and demo is available.

The main inspiration for the game is actually the "limited inventory and take what you think you will need from the stash" mechanic from Resident Evil series. Also I am a huge fan of the original fallout and x-com series, so those are in there somewhere also.

Player will probably need to use weapons and skills found just for the ammo/energy and then throw them away due to limited inventory space. Your stash is kept between runs.

There is random map and item generation and some base building mechanics in there also for good measure .

Config: Start game once and then edit config.json:

"conf": {
    "mousescroll": true, //if you want to mouse edge scroll map
    "musicVol": 40, //music volume
    "vsync": false, //turn off!
    "w": 1920, //render w
    "h": 1080, //render h
    "renderGrass": true, //turn off if bad FPS
    "renderPointShadows": true, //turn off if bad FPS
    "showFps": true, //show fps label?

Follow me https://twitter.com/kparrx


fraction-demo_0.4f.zip 67 MB

Install instructions

  1. Download file.
  2. Extract zip.
  3. Double click on fraction.exe in the fraction folder.

Development log

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